mysql move table to another database

Mysql move table to another database So, guys, there are a lot of questions are there from the MySQL community as well as from the programmer like what is my SQL and what is a database with questions like MySQL move table to another database. So here we are going to discuss each and everything for how you can do MySQL move table to another database along with what is MySQL and database. So before discussing the definitions, I would like to give you an answer of what is data, so the collection of various segments that are related to one another and performing the task of inserting, moving, deleting, and update particular information is known as data. The collection of data is known as a database, which performs a particular task assigned by the programmer and system, there is a level of database along with various things have to be there for operations that are associated with the data and database. So first of all what is MYSQL Database before the discussion of how to move MySQL table...

Two Army Problem in Computer Network

So let's start the discussion of Two army problems in a computer network which is known as two kernel problems in TCP connection.

Two Army problems are general things and common issues in the networks when two or more computers are connected to each other and they are sharing the data and resources to each other. 

So let's discuss things in deep with starting the definitions of Two Army Problems or Two Kernal Problems in Computer Network.

Definitions of Two Army Problem or Two Kernal Problem

The two army problems rises when intermediate nodes and connections need to established between two or more servers, PC, and nodes while transferring the data with synchronized attack between the nodes.

Now before the discussion of two army problems we need to understand the data transfer and delivery that follow two army problems.

So first let's understand this concept via these pictorials representations of Two army problems in computer networks.

Two Army Problems in Computer Network

So in the above image, you can see that there is three-way to transfer your data, first Node to Node which means PC to PC transfer, Host to Host which means Transferring the data between the Two Server and Process to Process Which is transferring the data between One process to Another Process.

Now How they are Established the connections?

Connection Establishment Process in Computer Network

Every time one's connection is established they have processed the same things as above, like sender giving a request to another person before sending the data when the receiver receives the request they will give acknowledgment to the sender, the same process followed by each other to establish a connection for both ends.

Two Army Problem in TCP - Computer Network

So now, the above picture represents the two army problems while sending and receiving the data, actually, here the synchronizations are there between Blue Army 1 and Blue Army 2, which will attach White Army by synchronizations.

But there were several issues that are raised when they attack the white army like, how they will synchronize together?

They must have to follow the connection establishment process as stated above and might be if it happens like when established the connection, the acknowledgment not receive by someone, then?

This is the main problem which is known as Two Army problems in computer networks by TCP.

Now let's discuss some solutions to Two Army Problems or Two General's Problem, here we have solutions to the Four-Way Handshake Protocol of the computer network, but here also we got some problems with the half-open connection when we working with FIN and Acknowledgment via TCP.

Half-open connection in TCP - Computer Network

So there is another solution we got here is without sacrifices a ton of messages, they directly attack the army without more and more messages.

Solutions Of Two General or Two Army Problems

Two Army Problem Solutions In computer Network

So above are the solutions for the Two army problems and I hope you got very well structured pieces of information here, still, if you are having a question, you can ask via comment box anytime.

Every day we are facing different problems in real life and we got solutions for the same, now the same things happen with the computer network and we are supposed to solve that problem as soon as possible.

In life, we can get a lot of opportunities for mistaken and problem but we can't get the opportunity to solve the problem, anyway, guys here we are giving you a solution for the two army problems in computer networks. let's understand in these videos.


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