mysql move table to another database

Mysql move table to another database So, guys, there are a lot of questions are there from the MySQL community as well as from the programmer like what is my SQL and what is a database with questions like MySQL move table to another database. So here we are going to discuss each and everything for how you can do MySQL move table to another database along with what is MySQL and database. So before discussing the definitions, I would like to give you an answer of what is data, so the collection of various segments that are related to one another and performing the task of inserting, moving, deleting, and update particular information is known as data. The collection of data is known as a database, which performs a particular task assigned by the programmer and system, there is a level of database along with various things have to be there for operations that are associated with the data and database. So first of all what is MYSQL Database before the discussion of how to move MySQL table...

Learn About Robots.txt and know How to Create Robots.txt from here

Robots.txt example

It's Time to learn Robots.txt file and know the tag of Robots.txt file: There are a lot of users are working with his blogs and website and still, they all are not knowing Some precious things of google which will very useful to them and through they can make the outstanding performance of the website on the internet.

A lot of users are there who are working with a sitemap to submit URLs and indexing sites via google webmaster.

Use of Robots.txt File 

There is always have good and bad in every cycle, so we also need to focus on that direction too, when you submit your URL in the google search console or submitting a sitemap of your website, then you also need to know about how you can block some things of the website while working on indexing and ranking.

We people want to earn money from our blog or else want to make our brand in the search engine but for that you know, you must have to follow some guidelines of google and search engine to rank well.

Read Our More Article from Google Here.


As per the search engine's guidelines, you have to block some of the pages and features of the site when you have multiple similar pages and content, along with that you also need to keep in mind that admin login details and similar pages will not be shown in Google SERP.

So for that blocking some resources and pages of your website from the search engine you need to use Robots.txt file.

We will see that how you can create your robots.txt file and how you can implement in your website to rank well.

So guys, stay connected with us and know your response if in the comment box if you get something from these tutorials and want to know more about the same.

In this Techie Tech Tutorials, you will learn about what is a robots txt file, how robots txt file generates for google or any of the search engine, and how to create robots txt file.

Actually, a robot's text file is nothing but only a text file that is put inside the root we are currently discuss robots.txt generator and tester easily It is a simple text file, in which you have to define what content can search engine see and which content can’t. That means which content allows or accessible for the robot of any search engine and which is not.

Tags & Format of Robots.txt File 

There are four things that have to be used in a robots txt file,


After watching this video you will surely get knowledge of how to create a robot text file for your website, what is a robot's text file, and how robots txt file can use with Google or any search engine.

As discussed we Robots.txt have four things that will be used to blocking and prevent some resources of your website and blogs.


In the above syntax, we have used User-agent that means a similar person in which We want to tell something to them, and GoogleBot means we are directly or indirectly focusing on google only which we want to tell in the next system.

Here we can add only two things known as Allow & Disallow, which means we have to tell Google, that these parts need to allow for crawling or disallow for crawling.


In the above syntax, we are just going to tell google that you don't have to crawl our website or webpages in the MSN search engine known as Microsoft search engine.



Disallow /logs, 

For security reasons sometimes we need to disable Temporary file, the log file for being 

crawling in the entire search engine or bulk of search engine, so here we have to disallow all the search engine (* means all search engine), for temp file and logs file.



Here we are delaying the crawl time for the current server from being too many requests in the server.

User-agent: Googlebot,

Above syntax is for bulk action for a particular directory, you can use this robots.txt tag to 

disallow all the directory for being search in the search engine which is starting from Private 




You can use this extension tag of robots.txt when you want to disable particular URL with bulk extension from being search from a search engine, here we are going to disallow all extension which is ending with.ASP.


A sitemap is an XML file from which you can send a list of the URL to the Search Engine that 

you would like to search, here you already have to make sitemap.xml file before creating the 

robots.txt file.

Read More Here: About How to Create a Sitemap.xml File.


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